GetUpAndCo in the workplace

Being a Millennial

Born in the ’80s, growing up in the ‘90s, leaving school in the early ‘00s means I am a millennial, to some we are progressive, willing to collaborate, and value experience. To others, we are emotional and dissatisfied. 

It would seem each generation has its specific values, beliefs, and influence upon society, and this is mirrored in how society sees them.

For me being a millennial means we are open to change, we recognise this is something that will always be and for us to thrive in the workplace we need opportunities, and we want to feel valued. These opportunities could be in the form of training, promotion, pay increase, or a voice in the decision-making process. Ultimately, we want to be in the mix. 

Gen Z in the workplace

There is now a younger generation entering the workforce, Gen Z, they are populating many entry level jobs across all sectors and are looking to make their mark. This new generation will have an impact, the question is, is your business ready to meet their requirements, do you have the infrastructure to harness their skills to drive business into the future? 

Youth Work, Travel and Business

In 2007 I started a career in the youth work sector, for years I honed my skills working with young people in various youth work settings whilst studying at The University of Southampton to become a JNC Professional Youth Worker.

Youth work is all about connecting with individuals, groups, professionals and working together to improve outcomes for clients, Young People. We manage risk, expectations, stakeholders, projects, and teams who are on the front line working with those hardest to reach.

Being an adolescent can be a challenging time, it is where we start to discover our identity and make connections with our peers, seniors, and the environment we live in. The greatest thing I have learned is that the key to a happy, healthy life is a strong sense of identity, positive connections, and opportunity, if you have these, you are more likely to succeed and make choices that will impact all areas of your life for the better.

From 2010 my life became the perfect blend of career and travel, trading the workplace for the unknown then returning to a career I loved.

I have had the opportunity to travel all over the world learning about different cultures, meeting new people, and challenging myself to think differently. I have experienced the kindness of strangers and felt the eagerness of locals wanting to interact, we speak different languages, have diverse customs, religions, and belief systems, however, fundamentally we are all inquisitive people living on the planet connecting and communicating with each other all the time. 


Becoming a trainer was a highlight in my career, is all about connecting with your audience, sharing knowledge, and waiting for the light bulb moment. It is such a rewarding experience, particularly when learners are invested and can see how learning can be practically applied in practice. Training should always be fun, engaging, and inclusive.  It is also a two-way process.  

Get Up and Co

Get Up and Co encompasses all this knowledge, its Co values are at the centre of each decision and its services have been designed to enable companies to tailor packages and provide options to allow fluidity to help with business success.

We recognise a person’s first experience in the workplace will have an impact on their career, as employers it is important to ensure there is the infrastructure and skill to manage, develop and nurture those starting out or people making a career change. Early investment in young staff is crucial for the development of effective teams, company loyalty and organisational growth.

To us it is simple, Value the young, Invest in the future. This can be achieved through equipping line managers to connect with its young workforce, embedding practices that will build business cohesion, and creating new opportunities through consultation. All our products enable this to happen.

Work with us to Combine our knowledge with your talent and let us help you ignite the Get Up and Co in all of us. 

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